Sunday, September 26, 2010

2010 Taiwan film fest thoughts

Six days, seven films.

Top picks:

Cape No 7
Yang Yang
Chocolate Rap

Day 1: skipped

Day 2:
Our Island Our Dreams (2009):  primarily about growing up I guess. Parts of the story felt far too forced. The fist pounding-on-dirt and loud whining of A Jin were ridiculous. The Kinmen scenery was nice to look at, but the romantic side of the main story became rather meh due to the acting. The highlights were the scenes involving Xin Jung's older sister and the drill sergeant stationed there.

Day 3:
Chocolate Rap (2006): b-boys and coming of age.

Cape No 7 (2009): so this is apparently the second highest selling film to date in Taiwan after Titanic. Tis a romantic drama comedy genre I guess. Good for light laughs and the wax poetic letters being read. Loved the music particularly during the flashback scenes with the teacher narrating. The two main characters, Tomoko and Aga, are nice to look at too. :)

Day 4:
Yang Yang (2009): the story revolves around the (cute) Eurasian named Yang Yang and her search for a deeper human connection. It was a fun film and had a decent dose of non-verbal scenes that show a ton of meaning. The characters were well portrayed too.

Fishing Luck (2005): I don't know who wrote the synopsis in the movie schedule but it barely focused on the "Three Musketeers" and how it changed their lives as it was mostly affecting just one of them. There were barely any scenes which depicted the other two members of the trio mentioned. Anyway, there were some clear WTF moments in the film - parts where you'd want to smack the guy for being so indecisive and idiotic - but it was okay overall. It doesn't seem to be the kind of film that would be shown in a film fest though.

Day 5:
Orzboyz! (2008): youth, friendship, escapism. The end bit was nice too.

Day 6: skipped

I intentionally skipped one movie because it had basketball as part of the theme.

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