Monday, July 5, 2010

Eiga sai 2010 (Japanese Film Fest)

The 2010 Japanese Film Fest was held at Shangri-la Mall from July 2 to July 11, 2010. All movies were subtitled English. Succeeding screenings will be in Davao, Cebu and UP Film Institute starting July 23, August 3 and August 18 respectively.

I managed to watch 5 of the 10 films listed. They are listed below by order of preference.
  1. Megane (Glasses): It felt a bit offbeat but was a fun show nevertheless. It was an escape to a place of self-reflection from my perspective of what was shown. I want to try the Merci exercises. hahaha. Click for link to trailer.
  2. Houtai krabu (The bandage club): A teen comedy/drama film apparently based on a book according to the movie schedule provided. The concept of bandaging a location where a person felt emotional/physical injury may feel, as Tempo raised, ridiculous (not to mention, an act of vandalism) but the act of kindness for a stranger makes it a worthwhile endeavor. Each member finds healing of their own personal injuries over the course of helping others with their bandage requests.Lastly, the characters of Wara, Risuki and Gimo were cute.
  3. Soredemo boku wa yatte nai (I just didn't do it): A look into the judicial system of Japan particularly with regard to the treatment of gropers. The film shows that accused gropers who plead innocent go through a long process of investigations and hearings. Groping cases have a 99% conviction rate and we are given the perspective of an accused who insists that he is innocent. The film presents the events that may occur over the course of one year, from forced confessions and judges acting as prosecutors.
  4. Kafka Inaka isha (Frantz Kafka’s a country doctor): This is probably a film that requires repeated viewings to fully appreciate. The imagery was interesting, but half the time I was wondering how someone on drugs would interpret it.
  5. Miyori no mori (Miyori in the sacred forest): FernGully-ish.
Side note: While I am glad that there are a lot of people interested in the film festivals, I do find it disappointing that there are people who prefer to murmur loudly to each other rather than leave if the movie does not interest them.