Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 4: Of Grains and Knees

Day 4 of the French film festival@Shangri-la Mall. Only got to watch  Le Genou De Claire (Claire's Knee) and  La Graine et le Mulet (Secret of the Grain) which brings my total to 7 out of 12 films.

I wasn't able to watch L’Heure d’été (Summer Hours) as there were no tickets left for the show.

Both films were enjoyable, but I'm tired of watching the same 10+ trailers every showtime. In no particular order:
  1. The Last Airbender <= yay
  2. The Sorcerer's Apprentice <= 50-50 on this one
  3. Guardians of Ga'hoole
  4. Despicable Me <= mebbe watching
  5. Chloe <= curious
  6. Letters to Juliet <= how many movies does she have this year?
  7. The Hole (in 3D)
  8. Twilight: Eclipse <= DIAFF
  9. Toy Story 3
  10. Karate Kid <= Jack-ET off. That's what she said.
  11. Knight and Day
I think that's all of it. Mom says that was the same complaint I've lodged ever since I started watching film fests at Shang.

Le Genou De Claire: I  think Aurora was kickass. The actress playing Claire was cute.
La Graine et le Mulet: Good film. It has a nice build-up and makes you root for the characters. Showed Murphy's Law in action. Includes a belly dancing scene near the end. Family drama.

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