So I guess i should post something just to say that I update this blog monthly. Here's something I wrote from a few years back. A reflection on college apparently.
He was surrounded.
For five years he was surrounded.
Was there any difference from before?
The trains came and went with the steady insistence of a broken alarm.
It nagged at him, those five years.
Those were the years of invincibility.
Yet here he sits.
Here sits the thoughts of one.
Here sits the thoughts of the inconsequential.
A myriad of events occurred in those five years - the building blocks so to speak.
The symphony of existence.
The introduction was predictable.
It reeked of the collective.
It was for the good of the herd.
The timing was precise.
It was made to conquer.
It was not long then that the first stanza started.
How your cynicism had destroyed you.
He is you and you know this.
You never thought yourself better and you never did care much for the standing of others.
Therein lies the wall. Therein lies your restraint.
You stunted yourself my friend. Those five years came and went yet your path is as ambivalent as ever.
And with that, the chorus begins - inexcusable.
Growth is lost to you. Your life grew in fragments.
You sunk your time well. You sunk it far too easily...and it loops on forever.
There is no ending to this symphony as yet. It weaves itself with your existence.
You never shaped it completely on your own.